Shadow Self: What Is It and How To Embrace It

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.Carl Jung The shadow self, also known as the dark side of the personality, resides in all of us. It may not be a popular topic to discuss because, let's face it, who wants to own up to their character flaws, hate or nastiness? But, what is it and how important is it to know your shadow self? The shadow self was first coined by Carl Jung, a renowned 20th-century psychologist from...

How To Make Your Subconscious Mind Your Ally

What is the story with the subconscious mind and why should we make it our ally? The subconscious is that part of the mind that we are not fully aware of but which influences our actions and feelings. It's function is to store and retrieve data. The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse of our memories—thoughts, information, skills and experiences. If our brain is likened to a computer, our subconscious mind is the hard drive that stores all...

6 Ways To Connect With Your Higher Self

Our higher self is the source of all light and life that came into this world wrapped in a body and a personality that we identify as ourselves. Namely, it is the infinite, all-knowing part of us that was directly created from Divine Source or that universal intelligence we call GOD. In particular, our higher self is pure positive energy that has access to all of our lifetimes past, present and future and spans all dimensions, time and space....

8 Ways To Raise Your Vibration To Manifest Faster

These eight ways to raise your vibration to help you manifest faster are tips and ideas that will help you raise your frequency level and help you align with what you want to co-create in your life. What is vibration and how does it relate to manifesting? The universe is made up of energy. Thus, all that we are is vibration and frequency. We are energy vibrating at different frequencies. So, different energies vibrating at different frequencies...

How To Start A Spiritual Journey For Expansion

Have you ever heard people say, I'm spiritual not religious and wondered what the heck they meant by it? Most likely, this person went on a spiritual journey and found their own relationship to the all and to the "higher self" versus an indoctrinated one born out of custom and tradition. A spiritual journey has different meanings for different people. A spiritual journey can be framed from a religious perspective or rite of passage....

Manifestation: How to Use The Law Of Attraction

Have you heard people talking about manifestation and consequently, the law of attraction in your circle of influence? As the human and spiritual beings that we are, we are always manifesting things. We manifest negative experiences as much as we manifest positive ones, too. Whether we are manifesting consciously or subconsciously, the law of attraction is always at play and its' rules always apply. We have many earthly laws, like the law of...

Why Spiritual Self-Care Matters?

Spiritual Self-Care means you care enough about yourself and your own sacredness to give priority to that part of you that is always connected to the divine, to source. When you find yourself inspired to do something or move in a certain direction, you are aligned with your higher self. You are at your best and operating at a frequency that allows you to accomplish things that you thought you could not at a different point in time in your life....