8 Ways To Raise Your Vibration To Manifest Faster

These eight ways to raise your vibration to help you manifest faster are tips and ideas that will help you raise your frequency level and help you align with what you want to co-create in your life.

What is vibration and how does it relate to manifesting?

The universe is made up of energy. Thus, all that we are is vibration and frequency. We are energy vibrating at different frequencies. So, different energies vibrating at different frequencies means that everything you think, believe, do, say and even eat plays a major part in your level of awareness, consciousness and overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Maintaining a high vibration is essential for the process of manifesting because you will draw in to your life experience those things that you are aligned with. The higher, lighter and more joyous your state of being, the more aligned you will be with the things you want to attract into your life.

Conversely, the lower your vibration the farther away you are from making manifest the things you want. In other words, the lower vibrations will attract lower, denser energies, thus manifesting more of what you don’t want.

This is why it is important to be aware of your surroundings, the environment you are in on a day to day and the thoughts you think. If you are not feeling positive, uplifted, energized and happy, you have to find a way to change those feelings and thoughts and/or the environment and external variables that interfere with your goals of manifesting.

In the manifesting process, your goal is to be happy and uplifted to the greatest extent possible to remove resistance and allow the flow of all positivity in.

How to Know Your Vibration is High

When you are vibrating at a higher frequency, you may experience any of the following.

  • A general feeling of wellbeing and happiness
  • You trust those around you
  • Feel joy and peace
  • Drama-free!
  • You operate more in the “now,” –––present moment
  • Awareness of synchronicities in your life
  • More “aha” moments
  • You attract more like-minded and positive people
  • Follow your “gut feelings” and “instincts” more
  • Manifesting small things
  • Inspired to do “more”
  • You are more aware of your body and its’ needs
  • You are more in a state of appreciation of “what is”

Eight Ways to Raise Your Vibration To Manifest

The ideas and practices below are a starting point to raising your vibration. Moreover, it is important to mention that your vibration will increase and decrease depending on your mood and circumstances. Therefore, once you become aware that you are vibing “low” do your best to change it by engaging in these activities until you can raise your energy level.

To that end, continue to practice these activities to keep your vibration at high frequencies so that you can align faster to the things you want to manifest.

1. Meditate
silhouette of man sitting on grass field at daytime

Meditate for at least 10-minutes a day. This is one way to shift your focus from chaos to peace. You can learn “how to” in an article I previously wrote here.

2. Eat more “Brain-foods”

You are what you eat so put foods into your body that will optimize you. Hence, some of the best brain fuel; walnuts, dark chocolate (75%-90% cacao), blueberries, green leafy veggies, fatty fish, and lots of water. Water will help keep you hydrated and remove toxins from your body.

3. Engage in heart-centered activities

Particularly thinking kind thoughts of people you know or giving unconditionally as in random acts of kindness, automatically puts you in a higher plane. This is a wonderful way to change up a “mood.”

4. Spend time in nature
woman in blue dress standing on green grass field

Go for a daily walk and focus on the sounds of nature.

Alternatively, you can do a walking meditation.

Additionally, you can bring mindfulness to walking at any speed into your daily practice.

5. Listen to High Vibration Sounds

The quality of the sounds you immerse yourself in can make or break your manifesting practice. For this reason, listen to relaxing, high vibe music with lyrics that are positive and uplifting.

6. Be in a state of Appreciation

Being thankful for all that you have and all that will be coming to you is essential to manifesting. Stay in a state of appreciation of what is for as long as you can. The energy of appreciation and gratefulness will multiply by bringing you more to be thankful for.

7. Engage in Childhood Pleasures

Remember how much you loved going to the playground. Go ahead, rekindle some of those old pleasures. This is one quick way to raise your vibration.

8. Physical Exercise, Dance & Movement

When you move your body via exercise, dance or any kind of movement you release endorphins, the happy chemical in your body that reduces pain and boosts pleasure and overall well-being.

What activities bring you pleasure? What are some things you do to raise your vibration?

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