25 Best Affirmations For Positive Change

Are you a believer in affirmations or do you believe affirmations to be unrealistic “wishful thinking?”

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts that can interfere with many aspects of your life.

As for “wishful thinking,” It may help to see them as positive mental exercises for the mind just as physical exercise is to the body. For instance, some people go to the gym and perform repetitive physical exercise for their physical health. Similarly, some people work on improving their mindset and outlook through positive mental repetitions.

Positive mental affirmations can reprogram your thinking patterns so that with time you will begin to think and act differently.

Using positive affirmations is one optimal practice that can help change negative thought patterns. They release negativity, worry, fear and anxiety. Additionally, research has proven how self-affirmation can improve problem-solving skills and creativity in chronically stressed individuals. One study tested how a short affirmation exercise given to a “chronically stressed” group boosted their problem solving abilities to the same level of those subjects from the low stress control group.

Affirmations are one of the best in self-care tips because it empowers you and builds your confidence. Additionally, positive mental talk improves your problem-solving skills and creativity. Furthermore, they give you a tremendous boost in your overall well-being.

How To Write Affirmation Statements

It’s worthy to note here that your subconscious mind feeds and runs on all kinds of information, with and without your permission. Thus, it’s incredibly important to feed your mind the right messaging by infusing it with positive words and feelings. When writing your affirmations keep these ideas in mind.

  • Think about what you are wanting to change in your life; a specific area, belief or behavior.
  • Make sure your affirmation is realistic and achievable. Affirmations are not magic spells.
  • Write your affirmations in the present tense, for example, “I am” to help you believe the statement is true right now.
  • Say your affirmation with feelings. They are much more effective when they carry emotional weight. This is one of the reasons affirmations are so good for manifesting.

10 Best Affirmations For Positive Change

  1. My possibilities are endless
  2. Today is a new opportunity to try something new
  3. I am honest in my life and my work
  4. I am taking bold steps and I am moving forward with confidence
  5. Today I am unstoppable
  6. I have plenty of creativity for this project
  7. It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed
  8. I am healthy and filled with joy
  9. Today I will not stress over things I can not control
  10. I choose to focus on the next step, not the full path
  11. Everyday, I flow easily with new experiences
  12. I make positive choices for myself
  13. All is well in my world
  14. I have the power to create change
  15. Today I welcome miracles into my life
  16. I look for and find reasons to be grateful
  17. Abundance flows into my life in surprising and miraculous ways
  18. I give myself permission to earn as much as I like
  19. Today I create a wonderful new day
  20. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do
  21. My own self care is a priority for me
  22. I am thankful for everything I have
  23. I have everything I need within me
  24. Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good
  25. Positive thoughts create positive things

You can use your affirmations alongside other strategies like visualization, meditation and goal setting for optimum results. In closing, when you say “I am” always, make sure to follow it with something positive, otherwise your subconscious mind will take it and run with it. 🖤

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