How To Make Your Subconscious Mind Your Ally

What is the story with the subconscious mind and why should we make it our ally?

The subconscious is that part of the mind that we are not fully aware of but which influences our actions and feelings. It’s function is to store and retrieve data.

The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse of our memories—thoughts, information, skills and experiences. If our brain is likened to a computer, our subconscious mind is the hard drive that stores all the information it has collected. For instance, the subconscious mind records everything verbatim, what you say, how you feel, what you see, think and do and runs it like a program. It’s job is to perform exactly as it was programmed—obtain, store, retrieve and playback data. It is that part of the mind that we are not fully aware of but which influences our actions and feelings.

The subconscious mind runs approximately 95% of our lives.

What does it mean?

It means that the subconscious programs that we are running on can sabotage our lives and we can’t tell because we can’t see it —we are not aware of it. This explains to a large extent why our relationships fall apart, we fail to start or achieve our goals, we engage in behaviors that don’t allow us to move forward.

How does the conscious and subconscious mind learn?

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, A stem cell biologist and recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, defines the conscious mind as the creative mind and the subconscious mind as the habitual mind that runs on a program. He asserts that, since 95% of our lives come from subconscious programs, by definition our life is a printout of our subconscious programs.

The conscious mind and the subconscious mind learn differently. The conscious mind is the creative mind that likes to learn by reading self-help and motivational books, watching videos, attending lectures, etc. and gets an idea and can say, “Hm, I like that. I will change my mind and go with that.”

Alternatively, the subconscious mind being the habitual mind will not like change. It is resistant to change. Dr. Lipton states that, “The first seven years the mind is operating in a low vibrational frequency like hypnosis. After you are seven you form habits by repeating something over and over and over again. Practicing, repeating, practicing.”

How can we identify some of the programs?

Dr. Lipton along with other scientists confirm that we are programmed in the uterus so we can’t tell what all the programs are because we were not even conscious at that point.

However, we can identify certain programs by the ease or difficulty we have when performing certain actions in our lives. If something comes easily to us, it is because we have programs to support it and conversely, if we are struggling, it is because we have programs that don’t support that.

Since we operated in a low vibrational frequency like hypnosis for the first seven years of our lives, we can reprogram the subconscious in the same manner.

Consequently, the subconscious mind will accept commands without questioning them. It’s like a child. Have you noticed how quickly a child picks up a new language or learns to use a computer? At an early age, the mind doesn’t limit or filter new information. It is later that we place do’s and don’ts with our conscious mind and block new thoughts.

How can we change some of our programs?

One of the oldest methods of reprogramming negative behaviors and removing self-limiting thoughts is through subliminal suggestions.

Subliminal information is continuously being fed to us for political and economic gains. Thus, if we are unaware of what we are being fed, we will continue to engage in behaviors that don’t serve us.

For example, if you tend to be a shopaholic, watching ads and listening to your store’s favorite jingle is not going to help you in your efforts to save money because your programming does not support your goal of achieving financial freedom. As a consequence, marketers can capitalize on that knowledge through their messaging to us.

The fact is that It takes effort to turn around other conditions like depression or anxiety that may have seeped into the subconscious mind. Those patterns were not generated overnight so it will take a dedicated and measured approach to turn them around.

There are many ways to reprogram your subconscious sabotaging thinking patterns. Affirmations which have been validated by scientific research is one of the most effective ways. Affirmations go directly into our subconscious mind when listened to in a low vibrational frequency consistently, like hypnosis.

Another way to reprogram your subconscious is through habituation. Thus, making a practice out of something and doing it consistently. For instance, when you learn a new skill or strategy and reach a point of mastery, you would have embedded it into your subconscious mind.

Affirmatively, two of the most effective ways to connect with and reprogram the subconscious is through hypnosis and habituation. You can listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton clarify the subconscious mind and show you ways to reprogram it in this short video.

A Revolutionary program to reprogram your subconscious mind and make it your ally.

MindZoom is a program that places thousands of positive affirmations directly into your subconscious mind. The software will help you expand your knowledge, open your mind, improve your performance in any area you target. There are many ways to use affirmations and meditation to change programs, behaviors and thinking patterns that do not support you. The MindZoom is a ready made and customizable program to accelerate the process.

Reprogram self-sabotaging, self-limiting beliefs and improve your performance in virtually any area of your life.

How does MindZoom work?

MindZoom uses three techniques to enter directly to your Subconscious Mind.

The first method is by use of affirmation delivery engine. MindZoom conveys thousands of positive commands at speeds that are bypassed by the conscious mind.

Another way is through a silent subliminal messaging system where affirmations are converted to speech and delivered subliminally.

Lastly, there is the MindZoom subliminal mixer. Here you can use text or audio affirmations ( you can create your own) and mix them with your favorite music files. You can save them in any device or form and listen to them anywhere you want.

Since we only use our conscious mind about five per cent of the time, it makes sense to make our subconscious mind our ally. Moreover, reprogramming self-limiting, sabotaging beliefs will help us reach our goals and achieve success in our endeavors.

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